Hi! Hopefully we’ll get to know you in real life soon.  In the meantime, here’s a bit about us as written by a single member of the team with little to no oversight.

About Us

Illustration of alisha
Alisha is responsible for keeping the band of yayhoos below moving in the same direction. In French I believe she is known as “La Patronne.” She’s been deeply involved in bookstore management, operations, and technology for over twenty years. That’s commitment to a craft. She currently holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the most consecutive hours studying spreadsheets to find an accounting error (ref 2019 edition - citation needed), sells miniature clothing on the side to get her mind off of things, and owns a really really ridiculously good looking couch.
Illustration of dakotah
Dakotah with an h is a Sr. Engineer who has been part of the higher ed scene since 2007 and has worked on Hello as an engineer since 2015. Some features he’s known for are physical inventory, the register, the E-commerce website, and bundles of backend work. He may or may not have lifted Nintendo Mario Bros audio sounds to turn boring physical inventory into a delightful trip down memory lane. He drives a Tesla because he thinks it saves him money on gas, he clocked five hundred miles on his running shoes last year, and over this past summer has absolutely nailed a baked bean recipe.
Illustration of dave
Dave is a Sr. Engineer who has been working on the Hello POS since it was a tiny baby back in 2010. He tackles payment processing, financial aid, catalogs, and all other things that integrate with the campus, not to mention constant back end work and system architecture. After working with Dave for a decade, nobody is sure yet if he’s a computer or a human because he never forgets anything and we’ve never seen him bleed. His brain is in the running to end up in the Smithsonian (at the proper time of course).
Illustration of jaden
Jaden is a Sr. Engineer who has been working on the Hello POS since 2015, and other projects in higher ed since 2007. He’s brought you features such as web order processing, the books in tuition module, and coupons. He enjoys cars of all varieties, as long as they’re either fast, can drive over large things, or are the Cyber Truck which can do both. He’s become a crypto enthusiast (preach!), and knows with uncanny precision where to get free food on any given day, while hijacking the food app to get a villainous amount of free toppings which turns a typical Jimmy John’s sandwich or Rosa’s Pizza into something that makes less and less sense the longer you stare at it.
Illustration of Alan
Alan heads up sales at Hello. He’s been pioneering technology products in higher ed since 2007 (starting with textbook rentals) and released the first version of Hello in 2013. He has five kids and lives in Southern Utah alongside most of the engineering team. His life is best described by Jim Gaffigan who quipped: “What’s it like to have another baby? Well, imagine you’re drowning. And someone hands you a baby.”
Illustration of Kendall
Kalm, Kool, Kollected, Kfreindly Kendall. Yet to meet her in person, though we're 96% sure she's not an AI. Kendall is our communications director (she relinquished control of this website probably for good reason 😜). She works with social media, internal documents, press releases and more. She has a solid following of beautiful kids and lives with her dashing husband alongside an even more dashing puppy in the friendly south.
Illustration of jeremiah
This is not just any Jeremiah. This is our Jeremiah. He provides technical leadership to the Hello team and helps architect and secure the product in a way that can succeed in a campus environment. He does this remotely from the great Northwest which usually makes us jealous. Based on the amount of guitars and dogs in the background of our zoom calls, we assume Jeremiah plays gigs at the local Puppy Store every Friday and just can’t say no to another delightful friend every now and then.
Illustration of ken
Ken is Hello's product manager, which, given the amount of moving pieces across our platform, is a serious undertaking. Good thing Ken is zen with moving pieces. He's proven this on land and sea. Once on a guided Alaskan fishing trip the boat got caught up in rather high seas. The entire group got terribly sea sick and began ralphing over the edge, into buckets...you get the idea. Except for ONE guy. What did he do instead? He caught not just his, but everyone else's limit of Halibut so they didn't go home empty handed. Like a boss. What does it feel like to mic-drop a couple thousand pounds of fish in front of a group of zombie-faced sea mates? Ask Ken. You can also ask him what's coming down the pike at Hello.
Illustration of chaz
Meet the only person with a yellowish background on this page. He's also the guy who goes to an unlimited free toppings pizza place and orders...cheese pizza. Chaz the "Chazmanian Devil" is our newest engineer around here, but is already pulling his weight. He's full of youthful optimism which compliments us well.
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